Next Meeting:
May 17, 2025, at 10:00am at Hood River Valley Christian Church
975 Indian Creek Road, Hood River, OR 97031
National Quilt Judge Kathy Kerler will explain the judging process and answer the question, “What were the judges thinking"?”
Click the Upcoming Events tab for more information about the meeting and Kathy’s afternoon workshop!
What’s Happening?
CLICK HERE for a calendar our meetings and events!
It’s Blossom Fest Time Again!
It’s once again time for our annual Blossom Fest quilt block contest! CLICK HERE for the rules, and the link to order your fabric kit!
Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild
A Guild for Sharing the Art of Quilting in the Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild is a charitable organization started in August 2007, as a means to provide educational opportunities through programs and workshops, hold an annual quilt show in the Columbia River Gorge, encourage and maintain high standards of design and techniques in quilting, and encourage philanthropic quilting for the benefit of the community.
The Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild reaches out to quilters on both sides of the Columbia River from Goldendale, Washington, to Portland, Oregon.
Please click on the “Donate” button to support our educational and charitable activities around the Columbia River Gorge. Click on the “Community Support” tab to find out more about our charitable activities.
Contact Us
Get in contact with Columbia River Gorge Quilters’ Guild if you have any questions!